Lake Aircraft Corp. formed Washington DC 1959 with factory Sanford, Maine. Obtained rights to Skimmer IV amphibian from Colonial October 1959 and produced as Lake LA-4. Developed 4 versions, and in 1962 became division of Consolidated Aeronautics (no relation to Convair), which later moved operation to Tomball, TX, where 1,000th (by this time called LA-4-200 Buccaneer) completed January 1980. Repeated changes of management led to Lake Amphibian Inc. formed 1983 in New Hampshire, followed by Lake Aircraft Inc., Kissimmee, Florida, 1987, production by 1991 beyond 1,340 with 6-seat LA-250 Renegade and paramilitary Seawolf now added.

Lake aircraft

Lake LA4-200 Amphibian; 1950s; Number built: >1300; Versions: 5
Lake LA-250 Renegade; 1982; Number built: >20
Lake Seawolf; 1985; Number built: 1

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