Huff-Daland Airplanes Inc. formed Bristol, PA, 1920. Began designing series of single-engined biplanes identified by names. In 1921 Huff-Daland Dusters (first ag-aircraft company) formed at Monroe, Louisiana, equipped with H-D aircraft, mainly of Puffer type. Small batches of trainers supplied to Army (mainly TW-5 and AT-1 and -2) and Navy (HN-1 and -2). Single XLB-1 Army prototype May 1923 led to most important heavy bombers of US Army 1925-34. Production LB-1 led to XLB-3 (2 x Liberty) and -3A (2 x Wasp), followed by XLB-5 and production LB-5 all with Liberty, senior designer from 1924 being James S. McDonnell, who later formed his own company. In December 1926 Mr Huff resigned, capital was increased to $lm, and on 8 March 1927 name changed to Keystone.

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