In 1911 Giuseppe Mario Bellanca emigrated from Sicily to New York with nothing but degree in engineering. Flew monoplane built in Brooklyn basement, ran flying school and in 1919 joined Wright Aeronautical and designed CF cabin monoplane 1922. Wright-Bellanca WB.l led to WB.2 Columbia, world records for endurance and distance 1927. Result was Bellanca Aircraft Corporation, 31 December 1927. Products mainly high-wing cabin monoplanes, CH-200 and CH-300 6-seaters, with wheels, skis or floats, led to Pacemaker 1929 and Skyrocket 1930, and larger (up to 15-passenger) Airbus, Aircruiser and Army C-27 of 1930-34. Models 28-70, 28-90 and 28-92 were long-range racers. Model 14 Junior (1938) was low-wing 3-seater, developed post-war into Model 14-13 Cruisair and Cruisemaster. Rights, jigs and tools sold 1955 to Northern Aircraft, Alexandria, Minnesota. See also Bellanca Aircraft Corp. (1970)