ROSAEROSYSTEMS s.r.a (Division of Augur Aeronautical Centre)

RosAeroSystems was formed in October 1997 by Avgur, Moscow Aviation Institute and the Russian Aeronautical Society (RVO) as a consortium to combine the efforts of lighter than air manufacturing and operation. Foreign partners include Kubicek (Czech Republic), Voliris (France), and the US companies Worldwide Aeros and General Aeronautics Corporation. It offers a wide range of manned and unmanned airships and other aerostats under current design; any manufacture of these would be undertaken by Avgur, with whom it is co-located, or other Russian aviation companies. RosAeroSystems' workforce totalled more than 50 in 2001. RosAeroSystems International Ltd was formed as a US marketing organisation in 2002.

Additional Info

  • Address: Leningradsky avenue, 68, bld. 16, Moscow, Russia
  • Tel: (+7 495) 989 74 25
  • Fax: (+7 495) 989 74 25
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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