Private joint-venture company set up 1991 as subsidiary of Marvol Projekt Consulting of Germany but with Russian shareholding. Major partner in LCPT programme with RusJet and AeroSud.
GIDROPLAN OOO (Hydroplane Ltd) Gidroplan Ltd was formed in 1995 and has marketed amphibian lightplanes designed by the Chernov bureau. This venture was placed on a firmer footing in late…
A.P. Golubkov led his own brigade 1939-40, many assignments but only original aircraft was SRB (high-speed recon bomber), never completed.
Vladimir Petrovich Gorbunov was one of partners in development of I-22 and subsequent LaGG fighters 1938-42, producing his own improved LaGG as No. 105, prototype only 1942.
Vladislav Konstantinovich Gribovskii became designer in his own right 1933, by 1950 producing 14 basic types of light aircraft and 17 gliders. Apart from G-25 biplane (with car engine in…
Dmitrii Pavlovich Grigorovich was most important designer/constructor of pre-revolutionary Russia who continued work in Soviet Union. First 23 designs were in Russia, almost all being single-engined pusher biplane flying-boats starting…
Stepan Vasilyevich Grizodubov was pioneer Russian constructor/pilot, building series of biplanes in Wright or Voisin style 1910-12. Built motor-glider 1940.
Pavel Ignatyevich Grokhovskii formed design collective 1931 in Leningrad. Built succession of aircraft and pioneered air-drop of heavy loads. Six 1934 aircraft included rubberized-fabric inflatable Naduvatsya, tailless 35°-swept Kukuracha light…
Ye. E. Groppius never completed pusher canard of 1923, but switched to conventional GAZ-5 (designated from Leningrad factory) biplane transport (300-hp) for pilot, mechanic and 4 passengers, completed autumn 1924.
Pyotr Dmitryevich Grushin worked at MAI under Grigorovich 1931-4, building ultralight in spare time. First original design Sh-Tandem tandem-wing 2-seat attack aircraft (5 December 1937), followed by more advanced BB-MAI…
Mikhail Ivanovich Gudkov was manager of a GAZ (state aviation factory) September 1938 when he became partner forming LaGG. When this evacuated to Gorkii October 1941 Gudkov remained in Moscow…
Yakob Modestovich Hakkel (written Gakkel in Russian), electrical engineer, built 7 progressively better biplanes between March 1910 and July 1911, Hakkel III making first prolonged all-Russian flight 24 May 1910.…
AVIATSIONNYI KOMPLEKS IMENI S.V. ILYUSHINA OAO (Aviation Complex named for S.V. Ilyushin JSC) Ilyushin OKB is named after Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin, who died 9 February 1977, aged 82. Bureau (OKB-240)…
MEZHDUNARODNYYI AVIATSIONNYI KOMPANIYA ILYUSHINA (Ilyushin International Aviation Company) Incorporating aircraft design and production companies, Ilyushin MAK formed April 2000 by government decree. Initial members are Ilyushin Aviation Complex and VASO;…
Created Moscow 1990 with support from Ministry of Aviation Industry to serve as Russian partner in international design and manufacturing partnerships. Minority partner in Phönix-Aviatekhnika. Launched aerobatic/utility/sport projects September 1992.
NAUCHNO-PROIZVODSTVENNAYA KORPORATSIYA IRKUT OAO (Irkut Scientific-Production Corporation JSC) Founded on 28 March 1932 and commissioned on 24 August 1934, as GAZ-125 (becoming GAZ-39 in 1941), Irkut has built some 6,500…
Vittorio Isacco was Italian designer who, like Bartini, emigrated to Soviet Union. Arrested 1936 and worked in a VT 'special prison', continuing work on Isacco-4, rather clumsy helicopter with 80-ft…
Junkers obtained concession from infant Soviet government, with civil war still raging 1923, to open design office and production factory in former RBVZ buildings at Fili north of Moscow. Arrangement…
Konstantin Alekseyevich Kalinin directed aircraft repair factory 1923 and set up his own KB (GROSS) 1925, producing series of high-wing monoplane transports with elliptical wing, K-1 onwards. Most successful was…
Formed in 1948 by Prof Dr Ing Nikolai Ilyich Kamov, this OKB originated in an experimental autogyro production plant operating in Moscow from 1940 to 1943. Kamov's initial brief was…
KAZANSKOYE AVIATSIONNOYE PROIZVODSTVENNOYE OBEDINENIE IMENI S.P. GORBUNOVA (Kazan Aircraft Production Association named for S.P. Gorbunov) KAPO (formerly GAZ-22) established in Moscow on 14 May 1927 and moved to Kazan in…
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