ULAN-UDENSKY AVIATSIONNYI ZAVOD OAO (Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant JSC) Founded on 1 January 1939 as GAZ-99, the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant formed on 26 October 2000 and was formally incorporated as such…
Vladimir Sergeyevich Vakhmistrov was greatest proponent of Z (Zvyeno = link) assemblages in which large aircraft took off with up to 5 smaller aircraft attached to it 1931-43.
Voronezh Aviation and Production Association formed 1991 to manage large plants, formerly GAZ-18 and 64, on Il production (especially 86 and 96). See also VASO.
VORONEZHSKOYE AKTSIONERNOYE SAMOLETOSTROITELNOYE OBSHCHESTVO OAO (Voronezh Shareholder Aircraft-Building Society JSC) VASO is an integral part of the Ilyushin Aviation Complex, responsible for production of the Ilyushin Il-96 transport aircraft; after…
Capt. A.N. Vegener, director of Gatchina flying school, built training aircraft summer 1911 based on Farman but with streamlined nacelle and with ability for instructor to engage or disengage pupil’s…
Ivan Nikolayevich Vinogradov built 3B/M Igrado 2-seat biplane January 1931 at FZU (Frunze) factory.
KOMPANIYA VITEK (Vitek Company) Vitek ia s building materials company which also operates a light aviation division under the title OAO Istrin Experimental Mechanical Plant. Promotion continues of the Ovod…
OPYTNO-KONSTRUKTORSKOYE BYURO IMENI A.S. YAKOVLEVA OAO (Experimental Design Bureau JSC named for A.S. Yakovlev) Since 1927 the design bureau has developed over 200 types of aircraft, including more than 100…
Vladimir Panfilovich Yatsenko worked on Polikarpov’s team, then replaced Kochyerigin on DI-6 programme. His own effort was I-28 fighter (about 1 May 1939), many good features, including tight group of…
Vladimir Grigor’yevich Yermolayev worked on Stal-6 and -7, seized opportunity when Bartini arrested and became leading member of special KB to continue Stal-7 and produce bomber version. Stalin’s interest January…
Boris Nikolayevich Yuriev was, despite crippling lack of money, greatest Soviet pioneer of helicopter, of necessity carrying out most work on paper (though one experimental machine with 30-hp Anzani built…
Light helicopter with pulsejet tip drive produced by B.Ya. Zherebtsov, assisted by Yu.S. Braginski and Yu.L. Starinin, flown 1950.
ZIG-1 fast passenger transport, also designated PS-89, was designed by Laville 1933.
Aleksandr Ivanovich Zlokazov was senior GVF (civil fleet) engineer at Irkutsk when he designed ARK-3 all-metal 10-passenger or cargo monoplane for Arctic transport (about 10 May 1935).
Factory for Special Construction, division of CAHI headed by Petlyakov 1936 until arrest 1937.
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