Created in 1991, CTRM became an investor in Eagle Aircraft of Australia, via its subsidiary Eagle Aircraft (M) Sdn Bhd; component production for the two-seat Eagle 150B began in 1997, subsequently progressing to full local manufacture. This is undertaken in a 20,903 m2 (225,000 sq ft) facility at Malacca by CTRM's wholly owned subsidiary Aero-Composites Technologies Sdn Bhd (ACT). All Eagle production was transferred to Malaysia following closure of the Australian factory at the end of February 2002. CTRM is a 40 per cent investor in The Lancair Company, USA, and ACT is currently also manufacturing composites components for the Lancair Columbia 300. It also is under contract to BAE Systems to produce composites wing leading- and trailing-edge panels for the Airbus A300 and A318/319/320/321.
CTRM's associate company Excelent Sdn Bhd offers engineering solutions ranging from conceptual design to digital mockups and strength/stress analysis. It has recently been involved, with CTRM and BAE Systems, in developing the optionally piloted Eagle 150 Airborne Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV). Other current work includes wing life extension (spar modification) for the Scottish Aviation Bulldog, for which it has worldwide type certificate maintenance.