Rhein-Flugzeugbau GmbH formed 1956 at Krefeld with licence from RWF to produce RW-3a Multoplane and 3b long-span version. Built own-design RF-1 STOL 6-seater 1960, progressively moving to Mönchengladbach. In 1968 VFW-Fokker bought 65% holding. In 1969 RFB bought holding in Sportavia, leading to Sportavia-Pützer (and Elektro-Mechanischer Fluggerätebau) becoming subsidiaries 1981. With Grumman American built Fanliner (114-hp ducted propeller) 1973, leading to Fantrainer (ducted 420- or 650-shp Allison 250), 47 for Thailand 1984-8.

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