Mylius Flugzeugwerk was founded in 1996 by Albert Mylius, son of Hermann Mylius whose MHK-101 design was the proof-of-concept prototype for the MBB (Bölkow) BO 209 Monsun light aircraft. The company was developing a new range of light aircraft, based on Hermann Mylius' designs and similar in appearance to the Monsun, which employs modular, interchangeable structures for manufacturing efficiency, minimal spares stockage and low maintenance down-time. All versions were to be certified initially to JAA standards and later to FAR Pt 23, but development efforts most recently concentrated on the two-seat MY-103 at the expense of the four-seat MY-104.
No further developments were reported during 2003, and promotion appears to have been discontinued.

Additional Info

  • Address: Am Tower 10, D-54634 Bitburg, Germany
  • Tel: (+49 6561) 950 50
  • Fax: (+49 6561) 95 05 50
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