Also known as CCF and, latterly, as Can-Car or CanCar, this firm was biggest Canadian manufacturer of railway equipment, but decided to set up aircraft business because of Spanish Republican interest in Grumman G-23 2-seat fighter. CCF obtained licence 1937 and assembled 51 using Grumman fuselages and Brewster wings/tails. CCF also built Gregor FDB-1 advanced biplane fighter (17 December 1938). Wartime production included 1,451 Hurricanes, 241 Ansons and 894 SBW Helldivers, while in 1952-4 output included 125 T-34 Mentors and T-6G Harvards. Subsequent work included wings and/or tails for DHC-6 Otter, CS2F-1 Tracker and CF-104 aircraft, all at Fort William plant to which company moved 1951. When Noorduyn ceased operations May 1946 CCF acquired rights and continued production to 1953. CCF acquired world rights to Burnelli, built Loadmaster 1945 and set up Cancargo Aircraft Manufacturing Co. to produce both this and much larger developments. Became subsidiary of A.V. Roe Canada 1956, on airframe subcontract.

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