Blue Yonder designed the E-Z Flyer in 1991; built under licence by Merlin in USA until bankruptcy of December 1995; production tooling transferred to Canada and manufacture of it (and Merlin GT) resumed; Aerocomp is US agent, although Blue Yonder responsible for global sales. The company has added the E-Z King Cobra to its product line.

Blue Yonder aircraft

E-Z Flyer; 1995; Number built: 42; Versions: 2
E-Z King Cobra; 1998; Number built: 2
E-Z Merlin; 1987; Number built: 218; Versions: 2

Additional Info

  • Address: Box 12, Site 9, R.R.#5, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2G6
  • Tel: (+1 403) 936 57 67
  • Fax: (+1 403) 936 51 08
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