Jacob Lohner Werke und Sohn, Porzellangasse, Vienna, built 2-seat unarmed reconnaissance biplane 1913, basis for over 1,000 B series and armed C.I until 1917. In production 1918, AA single-seat scout and AB 2-seat (C class), both with 185-hp Austro-Daimler. Most important Lohner products were flying-boats with single pusher engine. About 40 E (85-hp Hiero, 1913) were followed by 160+ Lohner L (140- or 180-hp Hiero or Austro-Daimler), observer with gun on right of pilot. An L captured by Italy May 1915 gave rise to Macchi flying-boats. M was L built by Pola dockyard, R was recon variant (36), S were trainers (200). Post-war, many used for joyriding and mail transport in Switzerland, Ukraine and other countries.

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