Arsenal de l'Aéronautique set up as state enterprise by 1936 nationalization of defence industries. Installed in factory at Villacoublay, expanded during war to Villeurbanne (Lyon) in then-unoccupied zone, and after war to main plant at Châtillon-sous-Bagneux (Paris). First major programme VG.30 light fighter, initials from director Vernisse and designer Galtier. This was followed by powerful fighters VG.31 to 39, all excellent but too late for 1940 campaign. VG.39 best fighter in France in June 1940. Design then in hand of VB.10 fighter bomber with contraprops driven by two HS12Z engines in tandem (7 July 1945). In 1939 began construction of Arsenal-Delanne 10 tandem-wing 2-seat fighter (18 October 1941). Post-war types included VG.70 jet research aircraft, VG.90 naval jet fighter, O.101 tandem-seat aerodynamic testbed, and series of sailplanes. Became SFECMAS 1952.

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